What is PTC?

Terrebonne School PTC is a

Parent-Teacher Committee: Making School a Team Effort

What's a Parent-Teacher Committee (PTC)?

A Parent-Teacher Committee, or PTC for short, is a group of parents and teachers working together to support students and schools. They can go by different names, like Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), but their goal is the same: making education better.
What PTCs Communication Heroes:
PTCs keep everyone in the loop. They share school news with parents and bring parent concerns to teachers and the school.

Team Players: PTCs support school projects, fundraising, and events, making sure kids have awesome experiences inside and outside the classroom.
Student Advocates: They stand up for what's best for students, pushing for safer schools, better lessons, and more.
Family Fun: PTCs organize cool events that bring everyone together, creating a happy, supportive school community.

Why PTCs Matter

Stronger Bonds: When parents and teachers team up through PTCs, students see how much everyone cares about their success.
Parents in Power: PTCs empower parents by giving them a voice in school decisions.
Extra Help: PTCs raise funds for extra resources that can make school even better.
Feel-Good Vibes: Being part of a PTC builds a warm school family where everyone feels welcome and valued.

Parent-Teacher Committees are like the glue that holds the school community together. They boost communication, support kids, and create a friendly, caring school where everyone thrives. So, join your PTC and be part of making school an amazing place for your child! 🏫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦📚